Monday, April 18, 2011

you're so sensitive. i am, i am a machine.

between olivia wilde, scarlett johansson, and bettie page, i have found the definition of beautiful. olivia wilde is striking, sexy, and edgy. scarlett is soft, feminine, and curvy. bettie page is simply the classic standard beauty.
i'm not exactly sure why these three women stand out to me, but they do.

this is the part where i turn it all around. i want to be beautiful, healthy, tan, and most importantly: confident. (but mostly tan. spring break needs to hurry up!)
but in all seriousness, i'm taking steps to take care of my body.
i've been working out more often lately, and i like it. i like feeling like i have control over my body. i like feeling like i have control over my life.

Sometimes you hit a point where you either change or self destruct.
- Sam Stevens
i've been doing better with balance, i think. it's spring break and it couldn't have come at a better time. wednesday, i'll be heading to the beach. it's been too long since i've seen the ocean, and i have the taste of summer on my tongue. i'm really craving lemonade and fresh picked blueberries.

school has been making me antsy. i can't sit still in my seat anymore during these 7 hour days. i feel like my friends and i have been carbon copies of the kids from dazed and confused. we're all just waiting around until that final bell rings and "school's out" starts playing as we throw papers, worksheets, quizzes, and tests into the air in celebration of our newfound freedom.

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